When seedlings start to germinate( pop out) keep them slightly moist and well ventilated. Turn the pots to stop plants growing in the one direction.When they are large enough to handle, very carefully pull them out and replant into fresh plant compost.
When the roots start to appear through the little drainage holes at the bottom of pot they are ready to plant out in the garden,that is if the weather isn't too frosty. A raised bed would be ideal with a cloche over it.
Then you may need to feed with a suitable plant food .
And dont be afraid to thin plants-they may seem like a waste but if you dont you wont have big healthy plants. Most veg need their space but some like spring onions,salads can be a bit closer.

There are few time when you cant eat young salad leaves and baby veg,in fact they are nearly tastier.
Pick peas and beans and other veg regularly to encourage more cropping.