
So easy to grow and they keep coming back year after year and giving you loads of delicious juicy fruit.
They are a real tough and hardy plant that will grow anywhere. Imagine popping out on a sunny morning and picking a few for your porridge or even on a lazy sunny evening getting afew to put on top of your ice-cream.

Now I'll stop yabbering and tell you how to grow raspberries.
Pick a spot that wont need to be disturbed as your raspberries will last here for many years. You can get raspberry canes in most good garden centres.
Dig a nice big deep hole,add some of your nice smelly compost and then plant in your cane packing the soil in around the base.
Plant them about 18 inches apart( about 450mm or 45 cm) or the average length of an 8 year olds arm with the fist closed. Now dont plant your arm!!!
Water well.
You will want to support them so get an adult to help you hammer in a post at either end of your row or just one if you are using a container. Tie wire across from post to post and as your raspberry grows you can train it around the wire.
Spread out the leaves and growths to help make it easier to pick later on.
Keep watering well until they are big and bushy because then the roots will search for water themselves.
And in Ireland there should be no shortage. A small bit of suitable feed is no harm either as needed.
Pick as you see them ready. We freeze ours if they are not eaten right away. Dont worry you will get the hang of knowing when they are ripe.
When the last juicy fruit is eaten and its the end of the growing season for your plant you can prune cane down to about 6 inches from the ground. Leave any new growths that havent fruited.

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