Leaf Lettuce:

 If you are looking for easy-care lettuce, it's best to avoid head lettuces.
Leaf lettuces are a great choice in cooler or temperate climates. Lettuce is a fairly hardy and thrives when the average daily temperature is between 60 and 70°F.
It should be planted in early spring or late summer. Lettuce likes sun but will tolerate some shade.
Sow the seeds thickly in rows of well-drained soil, and cover with a fine potting soil, tamping down after covering. Water well.
Keep them well watered in hot weather( dont water onto the leaves as they may scorch in the hot sun) and apply organic fertilizer every month, giving them an occasional feed with an organic liquid fertilizer.
Mulching with compost or pea-straw will help conserve water, control weeds and feed your soil.
You can cut the lettuce leaves as they are growing, trimming away just what you want to eat, and leaving the core, which will prolong the growing life of the plant.
You can also plant spinach or Swiss Chard, both equally as easy to grow from seed with high yields.
When the leaves are big enough to use, pick from the outside making sure you leave at least 5 or 6 stalks in the centre for the plant to continue growing. Spinach leaves you grow yourself are actually thicker and tastier than supermarket bags.
The secret is sow little and often so you will be able to supply the family all season long.

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